Ex Demo Showcase 3RU Sleeve 19 Inch Rack Mount


Showcase 3RU Sleeve 19 Inch Rack Mount – 400mm deep

Fully equipped with Penn-Elcom hardware, laminated with a 9mm Ply Black Hexa Pattern. Penn-Elcom hardware as follows:

1: 2*Penn Handles – H7159EZ
2: 4*Penn Latches – 3758
3: 8*Penn Ball corners -C1340/30Z
4: 4*Penn Stacking foot – 1203 on top
5: 4*Penn stacking foot – 1202 on bottom

1 in stock

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SKU: SC-RK3RU Category: Tags: , ,


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Additional information

Weight12 kg
Dimensions60 × 45 × 22 cm
